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While most of the preparedness checklists are quick reads, this document is more extensive and walks you through twelve steps to building a company disaster recovery plan. Read these nineteen pages that could save tons of time and money later.

Maybe your business or child’s school has a “telephone tree” to disseminate information. Communication is critical, particularly during a crisis. Use this checklist as a guide to building a robust communication plan so if an emergency strikes, whether a natural disaster or ransomware, you have a blueprint for action.

Twenty-five percent of small businesses don’t survive a disaster – whether natural or technological. Use this checklist to prepare your business for potential disasters.

Hacking and ransomware attacks have grown in size, publicity, and, unfortunately, profitability lately. Even if you “have an IT company” so you don’t have to think about technology, it pays to audit them. This checklist can start the review process.

When you have to leave in a hurry, it helps to know if advance the “must-haves” to take with you. Use this checklist as a guide to creating a “business bug-out bag.”

Winter weather concerns aren’t just icy roads and snow days. Winter storms can be as bad as hurricanes. Use this checklist to make sure you prepare yourself, your people, and your business.

Whether we’re talking the Ohio or the White, rivers flood. Use this checklist to prepare for, endure, and recover from flood emergencies.

Don’t get swept up in a disaster. Tornados have happened in every state. Use this checklist to prepare for, endure, and recover from a tornado.

While most of our state is at low risk for earthquakes, it’s not zero. We can expect between 2 and 100 damaging earthquakes over 10,000 years. You have more likely things to think about, but most of the advice is not earthquake-specific. Plenty of emergencies require good communications plans, backup electricity, and other items this document discusses.

Prior planning prevents poor performance. This checklist discusses handling wildfires both in terms of equipment and observant employees. What can you buy, what can you stage, and how to train your people.

Indiana is not known for hurricanes, but good disaster-preparedness and recovery information is universal. This guide applies to any violent weather event.


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